I am inviting you to view my amazing, affordable artwork available to all to purchase. I work mostly in watercolors and also in pen and ink with watercolor washes. I am known for my detailed realism yet surreal bright colors.
This blog enables me to show the cardsets and prints that are available to buy. The prices may vary from the original prices shown due to rising costs and the difficulty of correcting posts to the blog. The current prices will be shown on the most current blogs and can be applied to all of the postings. Earlier sets and prints are available at the current prices.
Contact info: Terri Dilts, Oregon Artist
28475 McPherson Rd. #25
Grand Ronde, Oregon 97347
Checks or money orders may be sent with order request containing the names of the cardsets desired and the quantity requested for $12 per set for the cards including the shipping in the US. The 8x10" prints may be purchased for $16 including the shipping in the US. Name of the print and the number desired along with a check or money order is necessary also. Please include your return address.